Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Mar 24, 11:14 CDT
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Mar 24, 11:07 CDT
Update -
Impact to Call Center, Management Portal and Partner Portal have been resolved. Monitors continue to see impact to Desktop. Engineers continue to work to identify and resolve the source of these issues.
Mar 24, 11:01 CDT
Identified -
The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Mar 24, 09:34 CDT
Update -
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Mar 24, 09:16 CDT
Investigating -
We are currently investigating an issue preventing the partner portal from loading after login. New Cytracom Desktop sessions may fail to load. Outbound calls from Cytracom Desktop may experience a delay. Inbound Calls are unaffected.
Mar 24, 09:05 CDT